English Program
Welcome to the English Department at Wallace State Community College! This Department supports the College’s mission and goals by offering a variety of courses that focus on both academic knowledge and technical skills. The English Department promotes both a professional and educational environment by providing quality instruction with defined objectives and outcomes. Flexible scheduling and a variety of delivery methods assist us in promoting our “student first” philosophy. We seek to create a student-centered, learning-focused environment where writing, reading, thinking, and sharing abound; where students’ views and voices are valued; and where our instructors are not only knowledgeable, but also genuinely enthusiastic about teaching and working with students.
Online Classes
Characteristics of a Student Who Excels in Online Courses:
- Reads all assignments in a timely manner
- Brings thoughtful comments and questions to the discussion boards
- Prepares for the exams in study groups with peers if possible
- Takes notes while reading daily assignments
- Checks e-mail and calendar daily
- Gets phone numbers of at least two classmates that he or she can contact for information or answers to questions
In an online course, you need to be able to communicate and express yourself through e-mailing, posting, and attaching assignments. To ensure success in an online course, you must be self-motivated and self-disciplined. Also, you must be responsible for starting your assignments early enough to allow for computer glitches, which will undoubtedly take place.
Student Online Learner Self-Evaluation
Tutoring Lab Info
8th Floor Bailey Building
Mon.-Tues. 8:00 AM-6:00 PM
Wed.-Thur. 8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Sigma Kappa Delta
Applications for Sigma Kappa Delta, Wallace State’s chapter of the National English Honor Society, are now being accepted!
SKD Membership Application
SKD Scholarship Application
Membership Requirements:
Σ a minimum of English 101, with no grade lower than a B in an English course
Κ an overall grade point average of at least 3.3 (on a 4.0 scale)
Δ a cumulative total of at least 12 semester hours of college credit
For more information, call 256.352.8219 or email jenna.berry@rf518.com
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